Dec 18, 2010


My Twitter recipe:

1 bottle of wine
8 hours of pouring rain
1 bubbly blonde twitteriffic roommate
0 televisions

Put all ingredients together on a Friday night and let simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Yes folks, after years of resisting, I have joined twitter (hopefully this means I will be updating my facebook less).

Check me out here: HaileyTheGinger

Sep 22, 2010

Datestyles of the not so rich and not so famous

Dates come in all shapes and sizes. I'm not talking about the dimensions of the person you are going on a date with but the date itself. Blind, First, Group. They all have their pros and cons, and everyone has their own preferences.

One trend I have seen become standard in the dating life of a SF single is the "drink date." It doesn't matter how you met the guy (friend of a friend, on a sports team, online, out at a bar) I'm going to pretty much guarantee that if this guy asks you out on a date, hes going to start with, "Want to grab a drink sometime?"

My assumption here (and yes I am assuming because I haven't gotten inside the head of a man ever in my life) is that grabbing a drink is seen as more casual, less time consuming, and down right easier than a date that involves dinner or some kind of activity.

I think that is complete bullshit. Why? Every "drink date" I have been on ends up at some point, awkward. Even if I'm diggin the guy. Why? because when you are sitting at a bar or heaven forbid across from one another, with only a drink in hand.. conversation is all you got. Being able to make good conversation is a plus, but why put so much pressure on that alone? Especially with someone you barely know. I know that many times I don't want to spend more than 20 minutes only conversing with my best friends, why would I want to commit an hour to a stranger. It forces the boring questions, and that in turn forces conversation.

Going on a date that involves eating for example allows for conversation to take a pause, the food comes and what happens, usually some silence. This is expected, you are eating. Try having a moment of silence when it's just you and another person, and no other form of entertainment... it get's uncomfortable fast. A break in conversation allows one to remove from the situation and come back to the conversation refreshed. I'm going to just put it out there and say it will probably lead to better conversation. Plus you can always talk about how much that sammie you are crushing is delicious.

Drink Dates are usually one if not more of the following things: stress inducing, awkward, intense, uncomfortable, and just plain boring.

Aug 30, 2010


This weekend my roommate Rosie says to me, "I met a hot guy this weekend, but he's 23, why do I keep meeting such young guys (insert throat noise here)?!"

A woman's theory on what age of man she should be dating changes a lot. We make up silly algorithms as to why we can date someone who is 26 but not 25. My theory used to be stay away from anyone under 25-26. WHY? Well of course because they've been out of school for a couple years and have some sort of grasp on life. Yeah, that theory is based on nothing, and is totally wrong.

New theory... Guys in their mid-late 20s are convinced every girl they meet is looking for a husband. They don't want to make a commitment of any kind even a second date, because in 6 months they might be somewhere else (or at the same place talking yet about where they might be in 6 months). But guys who are in their earlier 20s (23-24ish) haven't reached this fear yet, so are at least open to dating.

This was the story I gave Rosie when she was distraught over her recent hottie only being 23. She replied with a hesitant, "yah, that kinda makes sense."

I spent the rest of my weekend pondering these theories and the 20 something male species. I started thinking out loud to my other roommate and came to the conclusion that guys aren't really datable at any age. Women come up with these theories to explain why they haven't had a successful relationship and Men live up to these theories because it's not the right person.

Girls... you're gonna keep running into that guy who refuses to commit because maybe in 6 months or a year he might travel or get a new job or bake a cake, UNTIL you meet the one who won't care if he's moving tomorrow, you are just too fabulous to pass up. OK... if he's moving tomorrow, lets be honest, it's probably not gonna work out, but I blame Hollywood for putting that silly idea into my head :)

Mar 15, 2010

Ginger Snap of the Day

Literal SNAP... snapshot

I have argued with some as to the species of animal this is.. but it IS a wolf (not a fox). I love this tee not only because it was 6.99 but because I love the wolf, I love the strong spirit, and wild nature. I definitely relate to this.

I also love this pic because I took it with a new application I got for my iphone, hipstamatic. amazing.

Ginger Music

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Is she a Ginger? Is she not, I say she is... especially since that makes her an even better fit for Ginger Music. Ms. Gainsbourg is an Anglo-French actress and singer-songwriter. Her music has a great dirtiness about it that I love, even with a soft voice.

Check out my fav, Trick Pony:

Jan 26, 2010

Ginger Snap of the Day

Tuesdays are for Swing Dancing...

Today, at 6pm, I truly begin my graduate career with an introduction to swing dancing class. Thus begins, Ginger 2.0 = swing dancer.

I will update with my progression, or lack of. Hopefully soon I will be shimmying the correct way to my favorite jazz and swing artists... and hopefully winning the heart of Mr. Buble